How to connect to your inner wisdom and truth

Have you ever had to make a decision? Have you ever wondered what to do next?

All the answers you seek are within you.

You already know what decision to make. You already know what to do next – even though you might not feel that is true.

However, you might not always have access to this information. It is often clouded or fears might be holding you back from clearly listening within.

There is one simple way to access your inner wisdom. Ask yourself one simple question:

What would love do?

My experience

A couple of years ago, I was in a coming to an end in a relationship. I, however, was not really ready to let go, as I clung on to love. At the time, I felt I needed to have a partner in order to feel loved or lovable. I needed that external approval. I needed him, his reassurance that everything would be ok.

However, deep down, I was extremely sad and felt alone. I knew it was not right, yet somehow I wanted to make it work. I felt if I just did more, if I could be a better girl, then it would all be fab. I feared that if I let him go, there would never ever be someone else – like I would never ever have a partner again. I would be alone forever, abandoned, and terribly alone.

So what did I do?

I sat there and started to meditate, centred myself, and turned my attention within, took deep breaths, and when I was at peace I asked:

What would love do?

And the answer just came up:

Let him go.

Please listen to my guidance for this on this video, to help you centre and connect to your inner wisdom:

Video Guide: What would love do

Of course, I did not really want that answer. I did not want to let him go. It felt like I was not done with the relationship, that something could be done to make it work.

However, over time, I knew it was the right answer for me.

Letting him go meant I set myself free. I put myself on the path of self-exploration, an enormous path of finding Self-Love and connecting with my inner truth.

Now I feel happy. I have accepted myself fully (it is an ongoing process ;-) ) . It is awesome to value yourself and yes, it feels so free and so enormous. Finally, you can tap into your greatness and shine brightly.

find your answers within

Ask Yourself These Questions

So now you can ask yourself – as you, too, can turn within and get in touch with your soul’s guidance.

So, take a few minutes to relax, focus on your breathing, turn to your internal voice. (use my video to help you, if needed)

You know how to find your answer.

You will be able to tap into your own truth.

Let me know how you do with the

What would love do? exercise explained above.

I’m happy to hear your stories. Feel free to leave them in the comments section of this article.

Self Love

Self-Love is an important step in getting to know yourself better.

If you are in a place like I was, feeling that only love from outside can fulfill your need, that you are only worthy when you have a partner, this journey will help you.

If you are fearful of being alone and disconnected, then please join me on my

7 Day Nurturing Self-Love Journey

Seven Day Self Love Journey

I share 7 awesome everyday, easy to use tools that have helped me move forward and embrace who I am now. I feel so much better, more centred, and ready to listen to my own guidance. I’ve come to embrace myself fully and step into my own power.

Yes, I am still single; however, I know I am deeply lovable and I feel loved by myself.

I’d be happy to assist you on your path of connecting within, finding love and assurance within yourself, and stepping up for yourself.

The journey to Self-Love is the most amazing journey you’ll experience in your life and the most important one, too.

I’m looking very much forward to assisting you on this journey! Sign up here.

Warm hugs,

Signature Caroline Palmy

PS: Remember

What would Love do?