feel connected to your universal support team


Have you ever felt lonely?

I felt lonely in my marriage (you can read more on reconnecting with yourself in my book ‘Conversations With Me).

Feeling lonely has nothing to do with being alone.

Loneliness can happen in various forms, you can feel

  • Lonely
  • Trapped
  • Isolated
  • Left out

These are all forms of loneliness.

Many of us might have parents who felt a deep loneliness during the pandemic, when they were isolated at home, feeling trapped.

Yes, phone calls can help, still sometimes we feel a deep inner loneliness, when we lack like-minded friends, or a community we feel truly home.

Loneliness is the opposite of feeling home.

Like Wayne Dyer said

‘You can’t be lonely if you like the person you are with’

Let me ask you do you like yourself? Do you feel good spending time on your own?

If not, I am here to help you, sign up for my 7 day nurturing self love, where you receive a video with an easy tip to feel more connected with yourself:



What can help with loneliness

When you are looking for like-minded friends, then the flower Gerbera (African Daisy) can help with calling in more like-minded friends. Get a beautiful bunch of fresh flowers or download a picture from the internet and look at it. Let the energy of the gerbera guide you towards more like minded friends. When you feel more at peace with your friends, and feel accepted just the way you are and can share from your heart with others, then isolation or feeling left out will ease.

If you are feeling trapped in a situation or at home, take time to release the energy, clear your home and cut the cords to the past, so you can set yourself free. My Healthy Bedtime routine can help.

If you are feeling lonely, connect to the Universe and your Angels, feel their support and ask them for guidance. We are always surrounded by our universal helpers; we only need to open up to the connection.

You can simply say ‘Dear Angels, please help me’, I do this before I go to bed, it helps me ease my worries and fears.

Take a minute and connect to the Universe and the Angels and ask for guidance, and lean into their comfort and support.


From my Healing Shop

Healthy Bedtime Routine, to help you clear your energy regularly and cutting cords



Connect to your Angels Webinar, helping you to connect and open up to your angels:



Heart & Soul

Learn more about loneliness in our latest episode of Heart and Soul. Janet Groom and I are sharing what helped us when loneliness came up.


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Warmest of hugs

Signature Caroline Palmy