and how you can connect to yours

Inner Peace

It is so important to come back to our inner peace, especially now during those hectic and stressful times.

We are often too busy and too out there, when all we ever need to do is come within and be in the here and now.


What does inner peace mean

Inner peace means to be in the present moment, with a calm mind and calm heart, connected to the here and now and truly present. You feel expansive and totally at peace, no matter what is going on around you.

It is such a blissful state. Sometimes I even feel like floating.


How can you come back to your inner peace

The more often we come back to inner peace, the easier it gets, and the more aware we are, when we are out of it too.

What helps me is:

  • Put your hands on your heart space
  • Close your eyes
  • Breathe deeply into your belly
  • Calm your breathing
  • And enjoy


When things get stressful

Take time to come back to your heart.

Take time in nature, or garden.

Be more present, by coming back to all your senses by just noticing and taking a moment:

  • What do I hear
  • What do I smell
  • What do I see
  • What do I feel
  • What do I taste


Stress and worries and fear are all very unhealthy, keeping ourselves extra busy, just to flee the moment is not a good habit either.

So take a moment to recharge and come back to your inner calm and peace regularly.


It starts within

Who wouldn’t want world peace? Many of the people asking for world peace do not realise it always starts within.

We can’t change the world around us, we can only ever change ourselves, be the peace you are looking for, start within.

Come back to your inner peace and make the world a more peaceful place now.



A beautiful meditation to connect more to your inner peace is on my healing shop:

Check out Janet’s gorgeous new meditation:


Heart & Soul Show

Janet Groom and I talked about Inner Peace in our show this week

We share how we connect to our own inner peace and what helps us to lead a more peaceful life:


You can watch it on YouTube


Or listen to it on Podcast


If you love to lead a more peaceful and calm life

I am here for you


Warm hugs

Signature Caroline Palmy