Take your sunshine with you’ I saw written on an airport, and I felt that is a wonderful advice. Always bring your own sunshine, wherever you go.

In the northern hemisphere November is one of the darkest months. The days are short and getting shorter each day, and it is often grey and wet.

December seems better, as Christmas lights and decorations cheer us on, and by January we know the days get longer again and Spring is in sight.

November is also the month with a high suicide rate, and many might get the blues.

Many miss the sunshine, and feel a bit down and low. You are sure not the only one.

We call it seasonal affective disorder.

Time to connect to our own sunshine.

Time to feel the warmth and love we so crave.

I love to share with you some tips that have helped me to reconnect with my inner sunshine on grey days. I used to feel down too.

I love to inspire you, and remember there is nothing wrong with you, it is ok to feel a bit low. Allowing ourselves to feel is most important. Acknowledging what is, and then we can release it.

As always we will also dive into a deeply healing meditation.

Connecting to the sunshine and love there is.

Join me on my online gathering

Wednesday November 15th

At 2pm CET, 1pm London, 8am New York, 9pm Hong Kong

Replay is available

Sign up

Looking forward to seeing you there

Warm hugs

Signature Caroline Palmy