Chakras are an integral part of our energy system. When they are blocked, we feel stuck or low on energy. We can clear them regularly so we feel more in the flow.
An easy way to clear your energy system is with my Healthy Bedtime Routine:
What are Chakras
Chakras are like fans/vents, bringing in fresh energy and letting out old one.
They can get blocked or stuck, if we don’t tend to them regularly, clearing them out. Like dusting the vent.
Would you love some more fresh energy? Do you often feel tired, then clearing out your chakra and energy system can help you.
I wrote a blog post on chakras recently, explaining each one:
How can working with the Chakras help us
When we are tired, stuck, exhausted, just feel low.
Clearing the chakras and the energy system can help you feel more alive, full with fresh energy, and clarity.
Often the chakras are misaligned, when we clear them, recharge them with fresh energy and light and align them, we feel more balanced and more in the flow again.
From my Healing Shop
I love to help you clear your energy system; you can book your personal healing session here:
We connect on Zoom and have a chat where you most need help, then you can rest, lie down and just breathe, while I clear your energy system.
I also have a Chakra Clearing Meditation on my Healing Shop
Join my Circle of Love now
My gorgeous Membership group is growing and I am opening the doors for you, if you love to join us.
We are exploring one chakra each month, yes, we will go through all 12 chakras over a year’s time.
We will learn about each chakra
- Clear it
- And light it up and raise it to the 5th dimension during a deeply healing meditation.
Are you ready to uplift your heart and soul, then join now:
Heart & Soul
Learn more about Chakras in our latest episode of Heart and Soul. Janet Groom and I are sharing, how we are working with the chakras, and the extra ones we work with.
Watch on YouTube
Listen on Podcast
Warmest of hugs