6 Nov 2017 |
Do you know, what might help, when it happens again? I had to really learn all my lessons over again last week when I got a phone call from my property manager. She told me that the landlord wanted to come by and show the house to a friend of his. My immediate thought...
1 Jun 2017 |
and What You Can Do To Minimise It Stress, I feel, is a common problem for modern adults. Many people struggle with work-life balance. External demands on people’s time and resources are growing, and people might feel guilty for taking time for themselves. Each person...
8 May 2017 |
Saying Yes to myself Last week, I shared my first experiences with saying NO and how hard it was for me to say no to my own children. Read more here. This week, I will explain how not having to shuttle my kids back and forth to and from school has given me more time...
28 May 2015 |
Each of us comes into contact with many different kinds of energy each and every day. Some energies we encounter are uplifting while others are draining. Cleansing your energy system daily is as important as taking a shower to cleanse your physical body. Washing away,...