Connect To Your Sunshine

Connect To Your Sunshine

  ‘Take your sunshine with you’ I saw written on an airport, and I felt that is a wonderful advice. Always bring your own sunshine, wherever you go. In the northern hemisphere November is one of the darkest months. The days are short and getting shorter each day,...
7 Ways to connect with the love within

7 Ways to connect with the love within

I invite you to my online healing gathering ‘7 ways to connect with the love within’.   Hi My name is Caroline and I am a Heart Flow Healer, who helps you to open the doors to your heart so you can get back into the flow of love. Self Love is...
Connect To Your Inner Calm

Connect To Your Inner Calm

  Are your thoughts running non stop? Do You feel like your monkey mind is going on and on and on? Time to come back to our inner calm and peace. I am happy to share with you some tools that help me step out of the whirling thoughts in my head, come back to my...
Summer Solstice Gathering

Summer Solstice Gathering

  Bring in the Light and Love We will gather together and open our hearts to the light and love. Spreading it out to the world. Releasing the dark, bringing in the sunshine and tap into a deeply healing meditation. So looking forward to being with you Sign Up...
Mind Body & Healing Day

Mind Body & Healing Day

I will be sharing about Past Relationship Pain Healing in a divine Meditation. Sunday 11 June 0 American Woman’s Club – Seefeld. Find out more  
American Woman’s Club Talk

American Woman’s Club Talk

I will be sharing about Heart Flow Healing and how you can release pain from a past relationship with my signature Healing Method. Tuesday 28 March – 10 AM – American Woman’s Club – Seefeld Find out more